NYC Safer Access system: Are the front doors locked at all public schools?

New York’s Staten Island. In an effort to make schools safer, New York City is moving forward with a scheme that will use a two-way video doorbell system to lock the front doors of all public schools.

The city said the Safer Access system, a guest door-locking system, would be implemented in 2023. After kids arrive for class, the front doors of schools are secured, and anyone wishing to enter after that must first show themselves to a school safety officer.

After a months-long pilot run, the operation to lock all front doors started in May 2023. As part of phase 1, the city’s Department of Education (DOE) began locking the front doors of every primary school.

The Safer Access system was in place in 95% of the city’s elementary schools as of January.

The front doors of at least half of all middle and high schools are now locked as part of phase 2.

“Our top priority is the safety of our students and staff, and we are proud of the work that our teams are doing to support that,” said DOE spokesman Chyann Tull. More than 50% of phase 2 schools and more than 95% of phase 1 schools now have doorbell systems installed. To guarantee that our schools continue to be a secure environment, we will keep up our hard work.

The system’s goal is to prevent nefarious individuals from entering school premises. The new method is used to train school safety agents.

A school safety agent can use the system to manage access from the main desk.

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The visitor will be able to communicate with the school safety agent via a two-way camera system. Once the visitor has confirmed that they are there for a meeting or business at the school, the agent will be able to buzz them in.

No one will be able to enter through the open doors.

If there is an event and the entrance is secured, officials have also ensured that first responders or police can readily enter the school building.

Except for the main door, all school building doors are currently secured and alerted in accordance with DOE regulation. One or more school safety officers keep an eye on the front door.

Visitors must stop at the front desk, present identification, and explain their purpose for visiting a public school in New York City. Visitors must wear a visiting pass sticker at certain schools until they leave the premises.

Schools that do not currently have the Safer Access system are nevertheless subject to this policy.

The Safer Access system was supposed to be implemented in every school by the end of 2025, according DOE’s initial plans, which were released in 2023.

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