Staten Island obituaries for Feb. 5, 2025: Dr. Joseph and Gloria Amari passed within two hours of each other

New York’s Staten Island. Here is a collection of obituaries that have been placed onSILive in memory of the deceased. Viewing schedules and visitor books are available here.

On February 1, 2025, Gloria Amari (Wallich) departed from this life. Gloria, who was born in 1931, met her future husband, Dr. Joseph Amari, at Wagner College and Port Richmond High School. On Staten Island, they reared four children after getting married in 1956. Gloria was involved in the community and oversaw her husband’s medical profession. In retirement, she volunteered at the Tewksbury Township Library and loved cooking and gardening. Visit SILive to read the complete obituary.

On February 1, 2025, Dr. Joseph Amari, 95, died two hours after his wife, Gloria. Joseph was born in 1930 in Brooklyn and lived on Staten Island for the majority of his life. He went to Wagner College and Curtis High School before graduating from Padua, Italy, with a medical degree. As a cardiologist, general practitioner, and geriatric specialist, Dr. Amari won multiple accolades for his services at hospitals around Staten Island. He loved sailing and flying. Visit SILive to read the complete obituary.

Ralph Logozzo died on January 31, 2025, at the age of 72. Ralph was one of fifteen siblings and a cherished husband, father, and grandfather. He was a U.S. Marine with pride. The John Scalia Funeral Home in Eltingville will host funeral services on February 5 and Our Lady Star of the Sea Church will host a Mass on February 6. Visit SILive to read the complete obituary.

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On February 1, 2025, 76-year-old lifelong schoolteacher Maryjo Mashlykin passed away. Maryjo, who was born and reared on Staten Island, completed her education at New Dorp High School and the College of Staten Island. She was a continual source of love and support for her family and devoted her work to forming young brains. Visit SILive to read the complete obituary.

On January 31, 2025, Richard Numis, 65, of Toms River, New Jersey, died. Before relocating to Toms River, Richard, who was born in Manhattan, lived on Staten Island. He used to work with Impact Fire Services in New Jersey and was a member of Local 683 Steamfitters. Visit SILive to read the complete obituary.

On February 1, 2025, 88-year-old native Staten Islander Dolores Zeller passed away. Dolores was born in Silver Lake and later lived in West Brighton. She spent more than 30 years working as a legal secretary in Manhattan, where she was well-known for her quick wit and friendly smile. Dolores and Hank had a blissful 35-year marriage after meeting on the Staten Island Express bus. Harmon Funeral Home will have a visitation on February 7. Visit SILive to read the complete obituary.

An early draft of this narrative was created using generative AI and data from Staff from Staten Island Live examined and modified it.

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