Greetings, Abby
I grew up close to my younger sister. Even though we didn’t have many pals, we were always up for games and enjoyable times together. My sister once declared her intention to wed me when we grew up. Since we were still children and I assumed she was unaware that there were several forms of love, I didn’t give it much thought. We did make our own pals as we got older, and I’m currently engaged to my longterm girlfriend. During the years when we were merely dating, my sister and my fiancé got along well. However, after we declared our engagement, my sister turned against us.
It turns out that my sister took her desire to wed me seriously, and she continued to support me long into her teens even as we grew older and she realized the distinction between romantic and familial love. Given how significant she has been to me, I would like my younger sister to attend the wedding; nevertheless, she is obstinate in her desire to win me back from my fiancé. Can the truth of this circumstance be explained, or are our sibling ties irreversibly broken? SIbling TERRIFIED IN CALIFORNIA
To get over her obsession with you, your sister has to see a mental health specialist. She shouldn’t be at your wedding since she might cause trouble given the situation. If she shows up at all, someone ought to be tasked with removing her if she starts to cause trouble. Don’t count on it, but maybe your sibling bond can be restored in the future.
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Abigail Van Buren, better known as Jeanne Phillips, is the author of Dear Abby. Her mother, Pauline Phillips, began the company. For more information, visit or send an email to P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
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