Dear Annie: Connecting the dots between ADHD and procrastination

This week, Annie Lane is off. The piece that follows was first published in 2021.

To Annie, please:

Tired of Waiting’s husband’s persistent procrastination is the reason behind this. Procrastination is one of the main signs of ADHD. When there is no other option, many people with ADHD are forced to make decisions at the last minute because they suffer with executive function, which is the ability to plan and carry out tasks. It could be worthwhile for the chronically procrastinating husband to see a professional who is qualified to diagnose ADHD. Since it will help them both, I hope her husband is able to seek assistance. An Ohio Reader

Dear Ohio Reader:

I appreciate your useful ideas. Indeed, persistent procrastination may indicate a more serious issue.

The first step in determining whether Tired of Waiting actually has ADHD is to speak with a physician. Your post serves as a helpful reminder to all readers that apparent insecurity or lethargy can frequently be an indication of a more serious problem.

How Can My Partner Who Cheated Be Forgiven? is currently available! Both print and e-book versions of Annie Lane’s second anthology, which includes her favorite pieces on marriage, adultery, communication, and reconciliation, are available. For additional information, go to For Annie Lane, send inquiries to [email protected].

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