Dear Annie: I like to ditch my ex for good, but I keep returning for the comfort, familiarity

To Annie, please:

After a little more than two decades of dating, my ex-boyfriend and I broke up approximately two years ago. Both of us are now seniors. Even after we broke up, I’ve kept in touch with him occasionally when I need specific things, and he always responds. It’s a recurring pattern: I call him, we talk again, I ultimately lose patience or become angry, and then we stop communicating.

Despite his insistence that he still loves me, the truth is that I no longer love him. I believe that the reason I keep returning to him is that he feels secure and familiar, and I am positive that he hasn’t dated anyone else.

Here’s my problem: Although the thought of beginning anew feels daunting at my age, I would really love to find true love once more. How do I end my relationship cycle with my ex and make room for a new partner? At this point in life, is it even possible to find meaningful companionship? At This Point in Time

Dear Life Stage:

Finding love as a senior is definitely doable! You are just as old as you feel, and age is just a number. Start by concentrating on the things that make you feel confident, content, and young. If you think it will be enjoyable to find a new connection, then go for it.

Even though you may be tempted by the familiarity and comfort of your intermittent boyfriend, keep in mind that everything genuinely valuable requires time and work. It’s normal to be apprehensive about beginning something new, but if you do it and give yourself up to new experiences, you may find that it’s enjoyable as well as rewarding.

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Start by looking for opportunities to meet new people. Participate in senior-focused dating apps, join local clubs, or pursue interests and pastimes that you are enthusiastic about. These are excellent means of making connections with people who have similar interests and life perspectives.

Love never goes out of style. You may discover that the best parts of your life are still to come if you venture outside of your comfort zone. Because you deserve it, take the first step!

How Can My Partner Who Cheated Be Forgiven? is currently available! Both print and e-book versions of Annie Lane’s second anthology, which includes her favorite pieces on marriage, adultery, communication, and reconciliation, are available. For additional information, go to For Annie Lane, send inquiries to [email protected].

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