Dear Annie: Our relationship is perfect, except for one thing

To Annie, please:

It’s been three years since I started dating this amazing man. I’m thrilled with him since he’s all I could ever want in a companion. While I lost my spouse to cancer not long before we met, he was coming out of a long-term marriage that ended in divorce. We were casual for the first year, but for the past two years, we have been serious about a long-term relationship.

Here’s the problem: His behavior contradicts his stated desire to be married in the future. I would assume that if he really wanted to, he would be prepared to make that move after three years of dating. However, I do hope to get married again in the future. Apart from this, we have a fantastic relationship since we have similar interests, strong chemistry, and an emotional bond. He is my biggest love, and I don’t want to endanger our relationship.

Nevertheless, I also believe that I should have a spouse who will not think twice about getting married when the time comes. Although I don’t think ultimatums are necessary, I’m having a hard time figuring out how to continue dating someone who might never want to be married. How would you respond if I were you? Remain or Leave

To Stay or Go:

Talking to him honestly and seriously is crucial if marriage is something you genuinely want and you think he might not feel the same way. Consider for a moment why marriage is so important to you at this stage of your life.

Great chemistry, emotional connection, and common interests are just a few of the amazing attributes you’ve described in this relationship. Many married couples would adore having those goods. Together, you seem to have created something genuinely unique.

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Remain open-minded and concentrate on communicating in an honest and straightforward manner. Whether or whether marriage is a factor, you could discover that your relationship can still flourish.

How Can My Partner Who Cheated Be Forgiven? is currently available! Both print and e-book versions of Annie Lane’s second anthology, which includes her favorite pieces on marriage, adultery, communication, and reconciliation, are available. For additional information, go to For Annie Lane, send inquiries to [email protected].

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