Dear Annie: Persistence is key in the difficult journey to heal through therapy

This week, Annie Lane is off. The first edition of the following column appeared in 2022.)

To Annie, please:

Numb and Lost wrote to you about their difficulties finding appropriate therapy and emotional detachment brought on by trauma and life issues. I can connect because I’m a 37-year-old man who has struggled in therapy and faced obstacles as a result.

In many respects, locating quality therapy is a struggle unto itself, on top of the one brought on by the initial reason we seek therapy. Persistence is essential, even though it’s unfair and might make an already challenging situation appear even more dismal.

For anyone seeking mental health assistance, I suggest starting with the National Alliance on Mental Illness, or NAMI. They can offer resources tailored to an individual’s location and circumstances. They are available at

It can be challenging to locate a qualified therapist. One step at a time, please. It’s certainly worth the effort when you locate a decent one. Relentless Waddler

To the tenacious waddler:

You’re right that it can be difficult to find a good therapist on your own. However, it’s well worth it. Permanence, tenacity, and persistence in the face of all challenges, discouragements, and impossibilities are what, according to Thomas Carlyle, set the strong soul apart from the weak. I appreciate your letter.

How Can My Cheating Partner Be Forgiven? is Annie Lane’s second anthology. Available in paperback and e-book formats, it includes popular essays about marriage, adultery, communication, and reconciliation. For additional information, go to For Annie Lane, send inquiries to [email protected].

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