Staten Island University Hospital launches cutting-edge hypertension program

New York’s Staten Island. Millions of people suffer from hypertension, the silent killer, which raises their risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other potentially deadly conditions. For this reason, Staten Island University Hospital (SIUH) has started a comprehensive hypertension program.

The Ocean Breeze hospital just announced that the state-of-the-art program has been certified by the American Heart Association (AHA) as a Certified Care Hypertension Practice Center, meeting strict standards.

According to medical professionals, high blood pressure, or hypertension, raises a person’s chance of kidney failure, vision loss, and heart failure in addition to heart attack and stroke.

Knowing the numbers

It is essential to comprehend blood pressure readings:

  • Normal: <120/80 mmHg

  • Elevated: 120 129/<80 mmHg

  • Hypertension Stage 1: 130 139/80 89 mmHg

“The hospital’s program takes a comprehensive approach to care by addressing the risks caused by high blood pressure, combining advanced diagnostics and therapeutic options with lifestyle interventions like the DASH diet, sodium reduction, increased physical activity, and weight management,” a hospital spokesperson said.

Renal denervation is one of the program’s creative solutions for individuals with uncontrolled hypertension or resistant hypertension, where blood pressure is high even after three drugs have been taken.

Who can benefit?

The approach is especially made to help those with resistant hypertension, whose blood pressure doesn’t go down even after taking three drugs at the highest doses they can handle.

It also meets the demands of those with uncontrolled hypertension who are open to trying cutting-edge treatments like renal denervation but are unable to take more drugs.

For people with the most difficult types of high blood pressure, a comprehensive strategy seeks to provide individualized therapy.

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A minimally invasive technique called renal denervation uses radiofrequency energy to break up hyperactive kidney nerves, which can lead to hypertension.

Candidates for this surgery go through a rigorous examination process and collaborate with a diverse team of interventionalists and hypertension specialists to make decisions.

Meet the experts

A distinguished group of hypertension experts, including Drs. Supreeti Behuria, Dmitriy Nevelev, and George Bonifant, oversee the initiative.

Interventionists Drs. Christopher Varughese, Ruben Kandov, and Mitchell Weinberg execute renal artery denervation.

Patients can lower their blood pressure and avoid problems with early detection and proactive management.

A complimentary heart health risk assessment can be completed by interested parties at

The Hypertension Program may be contacted at (718) 663-6400 and is situated at 501 Seaview Ave., Suite 300.

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